We assist with debt negotiation and settlement

GjeldsMegler1 specialize in finance and financial advisory services for private and commercial sector. We negotiate extrajudicial agreements and assist our clients in strengthening credit and financing ability.

Our goal is finding the best solution based on the current situation for the customer.

What we offer:

  • Structuring – creditors and debt
  • Identifying and providing funding
  • Negotiation towards creditors
  • Business management
  • Real estate development and consulting
  • Debt negotiation and debt settlement

All information will be treated confidentially, and only be used to help you as a customer. It will not be shared to any third parties.

Priseksempel boliglån uten anmerkninger: Lån 4 mill. eff. rente 5.46%, over 25 år. Kostnad: 3 243 530,-. Totalt: 7 243 530,-.

Priseksempel boliglån med anmerkninger: Lån 2 mill. eff. rente 7,25% over 25 år. Kostnad: kr 2 247 034,- Totalt: kr 4 247 034,-

Priseksempel seniorlån: Nom.rente 6,60 %, eff. 6,83 %, kr. 1.000.000, over 15 år, kostnad: 1.694.005,- Totalt kr. 2.694.005,-